
Laratrust comes with a database seeder, this seeder helps you filling the permissions for each role depending on the module, and creates one user for each role.

To generate the seeder you have to run:

php artisan laratrust:seeder


composer dump-autoload

And in the database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php file you have to add to the run method:



If you have not run php artisan vendor:publish you should run it in order to customize the roles, modules and permissions in each case.

After you run php artisan vendor:publish, you will have a config/laratrust_seeder.php file and it looks like this:

return [
   'role_structure' => [
       'superadministrator' => [
           'users' => 'c,r,u,d',
           'acl' => 'c,r,u,d',
           'profile' => 'r,u'
       'administrator' => [
           'users' => 'c,r,u,d',
           'profile' => 'r,u'
       'user' => [
            'profile' => 'r,u'

To understand the file you must know:

  • The first level is the roles.
  • The second level is the modules.
  • The second level assignments are the permissions.

With that in mind, you should arrange your roles, modules and permissions like this:

return [
   'role' => [
        'module' => 'permissions',


In case that you do not want to use the c,r,u,d permissions, in the config/laratrust_seeder.php there the permissions_map where you can change the permissions mapping.